Annis and George Bills Horse Trough | Map: C7

The Macedon Horse Trough and hitching rail is located opposite the hotel next to the public amenities. The horse trough reinstates the horse trough damaged in the 1983 bushfires. These horse troughs were placed throughout Australia to provide water for the many animals that travelled long journeys throughout the vast countryside.

Donated in memory of the horses that did not return from WW1.

Bill’s horse watering troughs were manufactured in Australia and installed to provide relief for working horses in the first half of the twentieth century. A trust fund through the will of George Bills financed around 700 troughs in Australia and 50 overseas.

The Bill’s trough at Devenish is special because it has an attached dog watering trough.

At the end of WW1 Australian’s had 1,300 surplus horses not able to return home. The majority of these horses were sold and became remounts for the British Army in India. Only one returned to Australia.

Location:  Main Street, Devenish, Victoria, 3726


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